Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics is a branch of physics which deals with the movement of electrons. Nowadays, without communication no one can move in this world. This department was started in the year 2007. It comprises six semesters with practical. It includes project work. This department is successfully running with industry institute collaboration.

Lab Infrastructure:
The department possesses excellent infrastructure including following laboratories.
Third Semester
- Electronic Devices and Circuits Practical
- Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation
- Programming in C Practical
- Computer Application Practical
Fourth Semester
- IE & CE Practical
- Integrated Circuits Practical
- Communication and Life Skills Practical
Fifth Semester
- Advanced Communication Systems practical
- Micro Controller Practical
- VLSI Practical
Sixth Semester
- Embedded Systems Practical
- Computer Hardware and Network Practical
- Simulation Practical
- Project Work
Endowed with a good infrastructure, the department provides excellent learning and good lab facilities for a sound practical knowledge. The laboratory space has been doubled and has been upgraded with latest equipments. The lab consists of PIC microcontrollers, analog device processors and latest simulation tools such as MATLAB for student's usage.